Tomoil | Culture


Our business principles are based on our core values of honesty, integrity and respect. They promote trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism, as well as pride in what we do and how we conduct business.

As part of these principles, continue to follow a path of sustainable development, balancing short and long-term interests and integrating economic, environmental and social considerations into our decision-making.

Tomoil employees and contractors, and those at joint ventures we operate, are expected to understand and continually behave in line with our core principles. We expect suppliers, and joint ventures that we do not operate, to apply equivalent principles.

Tomoil supports every employee, contract staff and contractor who works for or on behalf of Tomoil. It sets out expected behaviours of our employees and how they relate to our principles and core values.

The company provides practical advice on how to comply with laws and regulations and how to relate to customers, communities and colleagues. Our professionals offer detailed guidance on being compliant, helping our staff operate in a way that reflects our core principles and values.